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Search engines - by SEO Norway

Best search engine

What is the best search engine ?  It depends  what are You looking for  if privacy  and You can consider  DuckDuckGo a best search engine, for sure  most popular and really counting are Google, Bing  and local search engines like yandex in Russia or Baidu  in China. They are all based on crawling sites with special bots which pulls data from each website and then they are using the data to depending on the query   serve  the search results to user.

Search engine traffic

Search engine traffic depends from number queries for the keyword and  this of course also depends from how the current search  engine is popular and  what is it used for. For example  search in youtube is also search engine but  the content makes it`s traffic totally different than the other search engines.

Search engine marketing

We can divide it for paid marketing and  free marketing. To free marketing we can add SEO  and maybe content marketing if we don`t think it is a part of SEO. Paid marketing is  mainly Adwords and Display.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization means  actions to improve website positions in search results. We wrote about it in more details here what is seo

Search engine submission service

Some companies  offer submission services to different search engines which is  a bit a rip of  because it is free for all people , just try to google : add url to Google, add url to Yahoo etc.

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